Android Benchmarking and other stories
Enrique Lopez Mañas & Iury Souza
Software Engineer
Benchmarking is a topic that will help you to take your app to the next level. Apps face bottlenecks and performance issues as they grow, and often continuing good programming practices will not suffice to keep their behavior on track. Integration of third-party APIs, complex access to hardware or just pushing the limits of what Android offers can often lead to a slower and buggier app.
With a proper benchmark strategy, you will be able to identify and resolve issues on your app before they become too big. This talk showcases the newly released framework from Google, JankStats, and how to use it on a real-world app. We will compare it with other already existing Google solutions. As a bonus, we will cover strategies and scenarios where we can integrate our benchmark suits on a CI/CD platform and keep track of regressions and improvements on our app.
Enrique López Mañas is a Google Developer Expert and independent IT consultant. He has been working with mobile technologies and learning from them since 2007. He is an avid contributor to the open source community and a FLOSS (Free Libre Open Source Software) kind of guy, being among the top 10 open source Java contributors in Germany. He is a part of the Google LaunchPad accelerator, where he participates in Google global initiatives to influence hundreds of the best startups from all around the globe. He is also a big data and machine learning aficionado.
In his free time he rides his bike, take pictures, and travels until exhaustion. He also writes literature and enjoys all kinds of arts. He likes to write about himself in third person. You can follow him on Twitter (@eenriquelopez) to stay updated on his latest movements.
Software Engineer focused on mobile development. I'm also interested in FP, reactive programming, system design, and automation.