Kotlin Generics In Depth
Bree Hoffman
Senior Software Engineer
When writing more powerful abstractions with Kotlin it becomes necessary to have a strong grasp of how to use generics. This talk covers a variety of concepts surrounding generic types & type parameters.
Key points:
* variance (covariance, contravariance, invariance)
* type projection (+star projection, aka wildcard)
* type constraints
* reification (with inline modifier)
Bree has 14 years experience doing full stack engineering in a variety of industries—from creative marketing agencies (Gin Lane), to music discovery (Hype Machine), underground events (Speakeasy), to group fitness (ClassPass), a desire to leverage the right tool for the job is the thread that ties all her work together.
Furthermore, Bree is an artist who creates large scale multidisciplinary fabrications such as @shelly.the.crab, as well as sculptures for the home. While the software skills she's learned aren't directly transferable to fabrication and electronics, you'd might be surprised at how much conceptual overlap there really is.